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Medicograspers | Personal blog | How and Why I started this blog? |


   Before saying How and Why I started this blog, I just want to say a big hello to my followers.

    I am Jayasurya Parthiban, I'm currently pursuing my M.D. course (Doctor of Medicine degree) at the University of Northern Philippines. I hope I would have already completed my degree when you will be reading this blog.

    This blog named Medico_Graspers is a free site where anyone can learn from my medical notes that I'm making while pursuing my medicine course M.D.

    I hope I will be able to cover most of the core concepts that I feel more important for medical students who are going to be FUTURE DOCTORS.


            I prefer visual learning rather than reading bulk medical books. I like to grasp the core concepts of whatever I'm learning in a short period. So, I preferred visual learning like educational videos available on YouTube, and many other paid websites that offer precise core concepts of topics in Medicine.

            So, I searched on the Internet about the interests of people in visual learning and classic learning (reading medical books). The internet did not disappoint me. It showed many people prefer visual learning rather than classic learning (If not, at least 30 to 40 percent of people prefer visual learning).

            I used to type a lot. I took most of my medical notes in a typed document and developed typing skills during my High school and that thing helped me to come up with my website in which you are surfing right now!

            Visual learning is quite interesting and helps in long-term memory. With that being said, I came up with an idea that fetching notes from educational videos with my hand-drawn flowchart may provide an outline to those core concepts inside that video.

            So, reading my notes with the help of my hand-drawn flowchart may save the time of watching videos and taking notes. Making condensed notes from my website may boost up learning in a more organized manner.

            Grasping core concepts of topics you are studying in medicine and reading medical books to sculpture your skills will make you the dream doctor you have always wished for!

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