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Medicograspers | Neuroanatomy notes | Brachial plexus part-2 |


Nerves from the root:

The dorsal scapular nerve is the branch of the C5 root and it innervates the rhomboid major and minor muscles.
Rhomboid major and minor attaches the spinous process to the medial border of the scapula.
A long thoracic nerve originating from the roots of C5, C6, and C7 innervates the serratus anterior muscle which attaches to the ribs from the costal surface of the scapula.

Nerves from the trunk:
Superior trunk:

1. Subclavius nerve – innervating the subclavius muscle which is present between the scapula and the 1st rib.
2. suprascapular nerve – innervates the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscle.

Divisions don’t have any nerve branches!

Nerves from the cords:
Terminal nerves of the cords: My Aunty Raped My Uncle
1. Musculocutaneous – the terminal branch of lateral cord
2. Axillary – terminal branch of the posterior cord
3. Radial – the terminal branch of the posterior cord
4. Median – lateral and medial cord unite to form the median nerve
5. Ulnar – the terminal branch of the medial cord.

Branch nerves of the lateral cord:
The lateral root of the median nerve,
The lateral pectoral nerve from the lateral cord innervates the pectoralis major muscle.
Branch nerves of the medial cord:
The medial root of the median nerve
Ulnar nerve
Medial pectoral nerve – innervates pectoralis major and minor
The medial cutaneous nerve of the arm/medial brachial cutaneous nerve – skin sensation to the arm
The medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm/medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve – skin sensation to the forearm

Nerves from the posterior cord: ULTRA
Upper subscapular nerve - subscapularis muscle which is beneath the scapula, this muscle internally rotates the humerus.

Lower subscapularsubscapularis and the teres major muscle which medially rotates the Humerus.
Thoracodorsal – Lattismus dorsi which adducts, extends, and medially rotates the humerus, Radial and Axillary nerve.

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